Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Four years ago while Bush was stealing an election, I was wrecking my car. I was heading down De Soto in the San Fernando valley, on my lunch break at 8:00 in the morning. If you do the math, lunch comes at 8:00 am if you go to work at 4:00 am.

I was trying last Tuesday to do a little election reaction blog with a huge back story of how Bush has fucked up my life. It simply would not come out. That pig fucker had me stopped up like a diet of cheese. So I'll leave it at the above few sentences, which was all the further I could get. Maybe now I'll be able to type stupid again.

I've been playing the game dope wars online during work. It is very fun.

The band has been recording and writing and generally trying to get a handle on the album. It seems to be helping. We played to no one last week in Costa mesa, with a drummer who was a little eager. It was fun but I would not have liked it if people had been there.

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