Wednesday, August 11, 2004


My sister and a friend were in our city for a visit this weekend. I do believe Amy and I were drunk for a large portion of it. As the wheel swings, we have rocked our way into a moments sobriety.
During my sisters visit we had many an odd, often prematurely aborted adventures. Friday morning following her arrival Thursday night we decided to hit the beach. A hot, sunny day in Korea Town faded with approaching Santa Monica into a chilly over cast afternoon. We made it only far enough to prove that we did live near the ocean. We stopped for CPK and the turned around.
Friday night proved far more successful, Amy and I proved that we can throw a decent cocktail party at a moments notice, and that it is cheaper for us to drink at home and provide plenty alcohol for all of our friends to get lightly loaded, than it is for the two of us to go out for dinner and then swill away hours in a bar.
Saturday morning well hung, almost as bitchy as Saturday night. Playing Hamburger mare's in the LBC, waiting for karaoke bands to finish, only to suffer sound that had obviously not been carefully planned, or even thought of. A frustrating infuriating experience, like breaking down and fucking someone you hate only to have awful sex.
Sunday to China Town, Kansas girls hate China food. Sunday night at Barney's, straight men are retarded.
Monday to El Coyote, apparently the reigning star of my blog. Arriving a little later than the rest of our party Amy and I noticed a rather ugly woman in a bad turquoise hat looking far more like Steven Tyler than should be recommended. Using the look-alike as a wedge we were able to pry the others from the large circle table near the east bathrooms and shoo them onto the patio, where one can drink much louder. Just before the arrival of our food an acquaintance of sorts happened towards our table, his party had decided upon the Coyote to celebrate and commemorate the fact that the Sharon Tate party had taken their last meal there exactly 35 years ago today. He noticed us only by chance, in entering the dining area his group immediately checked upon the availability of the large circular table near east restroom, now occupied by a less than aware family. Upon seeing the new occupants of the table one of my acquaintances friends shrieked "Those people shouldn't be sitting there, it should be a group like that!" And who should be on the pointy end of the finger, but our party. I'd like to think the Steven Tyler look-alike saved us from a rather hairy fate.


Last night recording continued on the IW6 single. Devin finished off his keyboard parts on the new version of S.H.G.C., I hacked out a rough idea of a guitar part for Guerilla (warfare) and the two of us bopped out most of the idea portions of one last new song. Tonight we continue recording, Devin will record the piano for the alternate version of IW 6, and I will possibly be allowed some acoustic guitar time.

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