Monday, April 22, 2013

Back on a Bike

I acquired a nice use bicycle last week through craigslist and I've been riding like crazy. I haven't owned a bike in over 10 years, and I had no idea how much I had missed it. I used to ride all the time as a child and a young man, even once doing the Bike Across Kansas event with my dad, which is easily one of my all time favorite memories. There is a freedom and adventure that comes from a bike, and I'm glad to be back.

I've used it to get to and from work a couple times already, and it's by far my happiest commuting experience. I ride to the subway at hollywood and vine, then catch the subway to the valley and ride to work. On the way home I've learned to pedal through the Barham pass and down around the Hollywood Reservoir. It takes about 55 minutes from work to my front door, only 20 minutes more than a car on a normal day, and by the time I'm home I have bug stains on my teeth.

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