Thursday, November 19, 2009

Something Strange

Rather than write a new blog about this I'm just going to paste a facebook message I just sent to an old room mate.

Paste away:

Nearly every night for the past week I have been having an reoccurring dream. It's even odd for a reoccurring dream because each night the story has been propelled a bit further, like I'm watching a nightly mini-series. In this dream I live in a three bedroom town home with you, Devin and Dylan and my girlfriend Angela. The dream really got going when you made an internet date for kinky roll play with a transgender woman. The woman apparently had a kidnapping fantasy and had planned for you to grab her from a party as she left. You showed up and obliged (you are a nice fella like that). One problem, rather than grab the tranny you intended you grabbed a real girl who had no such fantasy. Now every night the drama has centered around all of us who live in the town home attempting to correct the problem. The girl is not listening to reason and the cops have already been to our place once. There is talk of just killing her. It's very stressful.
Each day we all go about our normal lives, going to work and the gym, but at home we have a girl tied up on your water bed (I love that detail!).
As interesting as this dream has been I hope that it ends soon. Normally when I tell people about a reoccurring dream it stops, this is my hope in telling you. Also it's too funny in the light of day not to share. It's been a pleasure sharing a home with you again. Hope all is well and be careful who you kidnap.


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