In the time in which I live I am aware of a blur of the shiny and the new. The fabulous grabs constantly for my attention and it is so easy to find myself caught up. I see it in me and I see it in everyone around me.
Tonight as the final minutes of a film wound down before an acknowledgment came to me. It was not an acknowledgment of something previously unknown, but that of something far to easy to forget. To attempt to state it simply, it was the realization that prior to my existence there have been thousands of years of intelligent thinkers.
Our time is no more important than those that came before simply because it is happening now. Our thoughts because they are currently happening are not necessarily new or better than those of our ancestors.
I often sense an attitude in my peer group that those things in the distant past have no relevance on today. On a basic level this is short sited, on a deeper level it is stupid.
There comes with being human a rich and varied history, full of wonderful minds and a multitude of already experienced experiences. I wish to draw more from this and participate in the furthering of ideas. It is all to easy to ignore what has come before and water it down for present.
I should sleep now or at least stop typing.
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