Monday, October 04, 2004

Shed Fish (cause I am Crazy and you know it!!)

This weekend was a fun one! Friday night Devin and Coco came over while we did laundry and we all prepared outfits and listened to music and drank and were generally merry. I liked it all very much. Saturday morning the alarms on cellphones went off before 9 a.m. and we all hopped out of bed and into action. Quickly the escape was packed, our P.A., keyboard, guitar, guitar amp, singer, guitar player, keyboard player, extreme go go dancer, suitcase full of t-shirts, make-up boxe full of cds, make-up, outfits and a bear named spike. It was a tight squeeze and some of it had to ride on top of the car but that was fine by it.
The show was bizarre, a strange mix of old gays and lesbians. Just before we played about fifteen youngsters came in so we felt more at home, they bought t-shirts and cds which made us very happy and allowed us to retire to the beer garden and chew the fuck with a band called crushed. All very fun, big thank you to our friend Ren from San Diego who sets us up with fun events to play!
After the show we tooled down to shelter Island to see good friends Judy & VAl from abigails Attic. We slept on their floor, drank all but one of their beers and smoke grass like it grew naturally. It was soo much fun!! I am happy to be back in L.A. working at work and ready to get down to business on recording Free Alongside Ship.
Sitting on tippy toes waiting for a sample of our song IW6 to return from being mastered. New frontiers in making music, it's all good!

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