Tuesday, July 06, 2004

In depend dance

Friday night, playing to an empty leather bar. All the leather boys had gone to spread their legs and fly at the largest leather party of the year, stiff competition really. We at least had a chance to sport our brand new speakers, two 15" subs to thump the electro drums and bring the keyboards. The speakers worked great, but Amy had trouble hearing the less then ideal no monitor house P.A. system. Myles came to record the event. Dylan showed up a little angry at Kiki and Herb. M.Q. Musik was in attendance, supportive as all get out. The Art Ghetto was there, providing the much needed reassurance that out new speakers did in fact bring the beat intact.
Saturday, sleep until the Improv group practice next door focused on the laugh of the hyena, the call of the wild. I had to shut the windows but could not block out the next door wildlife.
Brunch @ the Abbey, I'd love to hate it but there is just so much there, sometimes I can just kick back and enjoy everybody being so fucking pretty around me.
Wine tasting in a machine shed called Bev Mo, in the new Target complex. They won't wash your glass, or give you a new cup with each wine, but you can cop a buzz while a new mother holds her baby and brags. I wouldn't advocate bringing your baby to a bar, but a cordoned off wine tasting area in a big tin room is very appropriate.
Body Worlds, or how I learned to stop looking and realize that if something is sick enough to actually shock me then I probably don't want to see it anyway. Very interesting, beautiful at times, but a plastinate is no longer a human.
Second partial meal of the day washed down with PBR at Pete's Downtown.
Evening to see Demonika and the Darklings play downtown. Follow the sound of Demonika's voice and the glow of the moon. Many friends are there. One Friend for whatever mis-guided reason attempts to tell my brother, that our band is held back by all of us holding full time jobs. A completely laughable idea, a basic notion of being in our band is that we don't starve, we don't want to go without, we are clean, well fed, well drank individuals. The notion of the starving artist is the old model, a new model, with a level of sophistication and self reliance is emerging. Art and business shall not be at odds. Our art comes from the fact that we all have jobs, from the fact that we all wish to live in the best possible world we can personally provide for ourselves.
Saturday again refuses to yield Sunday. After downtown we are charged, curious about a bottle of alcohol that just may contain cocaine. The committee commences at tigers, the findings at the bottom of the bottle are in the negative.
Home, how long can Saturday go on? A store window taking picture exhibition, eyes and noses captured.
the last two songs for F.A.S., "Backyard Wildlife" and "Zero Cool" partially flushed out in the kitchen with one tiny quiet speaker.
Mayhem, three 12 packs of beer for two people, finally the longs sleep.
Monday: Michael Moore, says what must be said, nothing to do except vote.

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