Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Way Up in the Sky

This past Sunday was the 86th Annual Academy awards. Due to my job I have a special interest in them. So I watch them most years, and even enjoy them. Some years it's nice to forget about them though, and take advantage of the empty city streets to run an errand. This past Sunday Angela and I did both, watch and not watch. We began the afternoon by watching the first few awards at a friend's party, leaving early to go pay rent at the rehearsal space. Having finished that we decided to walk down to the grocery store to pick up some items for the week. On the walk back I noted the good year blimp hovering above the Dolby Theatre. Even better the blimp was broadcasting in large red letters the winner of each category as it was announced. It was a pleasure to walk in the crisp February night, disconnected from the biggest night in Hollywood but still firmly in the loop. I was even happy for MR. JK Livin.

1 comment:

aes9999 said...

"Crisp February night" ahahahahahahahahaha that's cute.