Monday, May 20, 2013

Being Done

Many preparations are being made. I have a show with Turbo on June 19th. Angela makes her Burlesque re-debut in Long Beach on the 21st. I'm putting the finishing touches on the song Angela is dancing to. It's a big band cover of a well known hard rock song that she commissioned through craigslist. The horns were done fabulously and I just needed to reinforce the drums, mix it and add a bigger ending. I hope to put that to bed this week so that she can have time to work out the performance.
I have a remix project happening for a band out of NYC that Devin and I know from back in the glitter shitting days. I like the song and I get a Who Killed Love? remix out of it in the process. I have a very bad record of finishing mixes and remixes for other people so I hope this goes well.
Turbo is working on a Dream Academy song for a tribute album, Devin was kind enough to do much of the programming already, though I haven't had a chance to load in the project file and take a listen yet. I also assisted Devin Tait and the Traitors in the recording of some live drums for a couple Traitors covers that will appear on the same album.
The Turbo album doesn't need to be mentioned again, but I will add that I've decided based on the drum recording experience listed above to incorporate some actual live kit into the mix.
I do mean to get back to writing short stories soon, but it's been tricky balancing so much as it is.
S no S has sort of surprised me with positive reaction to the new album, so I have been thinking of follow up options. There are so many S no S songs in progress that I was thinking about doing something super ambitious, but I've also been considering going with the current flow and releasing a bunch of singles.

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