Monday, September 24, 2012

One Sided Saga Pt. 11

christless Tuesday, December 25, 2001 9:02 PM

i respectfully declined the invitation to attend church with the fams. it would have just annoyed me to the point of anger. other people can do what they want, just don't expect me to respond at the Christian roll-call.

i wouldn't say i'm a jealous person, i've come to the point where i feel confident with who i am and what i'm capable of, if my feelings/attractions for someone are ignored or go unrequited...oh well. it can suck, but i'm young and this is a very large world. my two year relationship was great, until the end, then it just wasn't happening. she went away to go to college, and that pretty well did it. we kept it up for most of the first year she was away, but it just started to drag. i suppose all told it was almost three years, but the last three months hardly count. it really began different then any other relationship or near relationship i've ever had. we just really liked being together, we never bothered to talk about weather or not we were dating or exclusive or what. the first two years i just never felt like being with anyone else. then things just changed. other people started to appeal to both of us, and in the end we were both unfaithful. as far as indiscretion goes we were both fairly harmless, but it was enough to let us know it was over. we email infrequently but i don't see her very often. i saw her in october and found out she's getting married. we had a great talk, and i'm very happy for her.

lets talk about age later, i'm windy tonight and i haven't even talked about jesus's b-day. what i got... bongo drums! i just didn't have enough things that make noise. william s. burroughs "naked lunch". gabriel garcia marquez "love and other demons" electric razor. personal hygiene rules. paints, brushes.

what did you get? did you have a good day?

and as a final surprise:

cool orange blue sky dull grey water waves a while time saved frozen

and since i'd rather feel summer:

sand scratch between toes a salt water soothing cool leaving shore behind

haiku is tough, merry ex-mas, brandon

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