Monday, April 06, 2009

The Warm Flash of LEDs

I'm so enjoying the new life being built in my new neck of the woods. Our apartment continues to come together. Angela has already put in an amazing amount of work making our home homey. The walls are seeing paint and the furniture is being placed.

In the meantime, thanks to Ronnie's gentle nudging, I'm setting up my home studio in a new and different way. I've installed a version of Cubase and am deep in the process of importing old and new projects and learning the lay of the system.

In addition I've obtained an old stereo rack which will sit next to my computer desk, I will fill it with all my audio gear, and my computer tower, leaving a good deal of it patched up and ready to go. It's an exciting time for me. I look forward to creating more than I have for many years.

Each night I've been burning a little midnight oil. It feels good. It feels like life.

I posted this and then realized that once again it's April and I'm deep into music creation. What is it with me this month?

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

April is just a good month for you! Don't forget April 21 and 26 birthdays for Travis and Andrea.