Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Some Mornings a.k.a. Get a Listen

That title above means fuck all, but what do you people really expect from me. By you people I mean Carrie and sometimes Devin. Tee hee! Hooty Hoo! I am in a very stellar mood today. I feel really gross and fat but really cool about it. You know what I mean? Kind of like Jimbo without all the smelly. I have been enjoying the creative output of human history here lately. I finished that book "A Prayer for Owen Meany", I really liked it. I'm reading a present I got of Virginia Woolf's "Orlando", Liking it, It makes me drink wine in the bathtub instead of beer. I also saw the movie "The Big Sleep" let me just say I'm a fan of Mr. Bogart.
This is all rather irrelevant and I suppose I should at some time come clean about the essential lack of purpose/focus of my blog. I have thought that It probably shouldn't really be up on the web for all to read if I'm not even going to aim for a basic level of entertainment. Then again, I'm not really baring the soul either, so there is no real sense in writing it in a leather bound book and placing it under lock and key either. Truth be told I don't much stress over these things, but I thought that I should at least post it around here somewhere, in case Carrie ever singles me out for here "Worst Blogs Ever" exercise.
We listened to the progress of the album this weekend, which could almost be considered as working on it. It is really a hum-dinger of an album, and it probably sits at 70% finished. I think I'll get back in the actual math of "working" on it really soon.
This weekend was a little calmer, Saturday night we were in bed before 11, which felt very nice on Sunday morning. I can't really say much about Sunday night other than I think Amy and I drank an entire case of beer each.
Maybe I'll blog again tomorrow.

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