Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Shuffle foot

Today is pretty normal. I am drinking coffee. Waiting for the work day to pass. Dreaming about a new power amp for SG. Wondering if it will ever be enough, thinking I am rational and that I can very easily say we have all we need, of course there are other things I would like... But I know better then to pine for them. Just grant me a nice powerful power amp.
I am missing sleeping already. It would be nice. Got in a little late, a lot drunk, we had been at the palms for pleasure dome, which was nice. Good to see Mark, Robert and Bun again.
Worked a bit on the album last night. Edited my guitar parts on Lady Slipper. Thinking about a new guitar part for the chorus of Slut Buffet to replace the old very difficult to play part.

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