Thursday, April 29, 2010

stick your nose only where your nose can go

There is more good going around this world then credit. I creep around the Internet and I observe. I've been reading blogs written by people I know and people I don't and today they have added up to a good feeling in me. I've been listening to music that I don't really know, all for free on, and then I get side tracked and I want to go back and listen to some music that I remember from a time in my life that I may have forgotten and it all floods back.
I remember listening to music on a stereo that I bought with money from the sale of my second bucket calf. I purchased the cd/tape player at walmart with money from an animal that I fed every cold morning with a bottle. It never occurred to me that I should cherish the animal more than the stereo. Yet I cried when one day in a fit of rage directed at my brother I slammed a stick down on my bed and cracked the remote to the stereo in half, and not a tear the day I sent the calf off to be slaughtered. I was just happy to have the money and have the chore over with. It's sort of amazing that I learned to appreciate anything isn't it?

So I used to listen to music on a stereo that I bought with the life of animal that I fed with a bottle. Now I listen to it for free on the Internet while I'm being paid to do some tasks in an office.

And there are all these good things going on in spite of how odd it seems when you just look at a little part of it. That's why people don't give the entire life experience enough credit. If you look at a little slice of anything you can make it suck, or if you expect it to be something that it just isn't then it can suck. Just staying alive is enough.

A friend of mine didn't manage to get through last week. So not staying alive is enough too. "We all pay for life with death. So everything in between should be free." Bill Hicks said that, and he's dead so he should know.

Another friend of mine cut his arm, pretty badly. Severed, collapsed artery bad. He hasn't been sure he will get to keep it. It seems to be getting better now and there is blood flowing in his hand again. Life is a series of consequences.

There is a lot that happens.

I'm listening to Catherine Wheel's album Chrome now. It reminds me of a car and a closet. I have so many memories that tie music to cars. Cars crash and the music still plays.

I laid a car to rest last night.

I was certain that this car would leave me stranded in the middle of the 5 freeway at some point. That consequence never occurred. Instead I watched a fork lift take it away.

1 comment:

Devin Tait said...

RIP Eartha, the Saturn! She was a good car.